Totally preventable. Ignorance is no defense but willfully lying to people about vaccines should be a criminal offence.

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Well, at least the person cooperated with where they’d been. 🫠

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Those numbers are going to get much higher. I'm sure that's not the only person who was out spreading it around either. 7-14 days since Valentines day is right about now.

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What a shame those children have to suffer for NO REASON. I hope their parents are proud of themselves for being “ anti vaxers”.

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Those parents should be arrested.

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I'm sure this will all be kept secret , not a peep from the WH

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How are people getting it? I couldn’t even enroll my children in school without proof of vaccination. And MOST people are already vaxxed, right?? Can we get revaxxed just for funsies?

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Religious exemption or home school

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Thanks again for your reports

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How is it spread? Via contact, droplet, airborne?

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The virus is transmitted by direct contact with infectious droplets or by airborne spread when an infected person breathes, coughs, or sneezes. Measles virus can remain infectious in the air for up to two hours after an infected person leaves an area.


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Yeesh. Thank you!

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If there is a God he must be livid - he sent us brilliant scientists who solved the horrors of measles with a simple vaccination. And these ignorant people sneer at the gift.

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The contact info tracing is great. I don’t live in the area, but if I did, I would be all over it. Love it, thanks Dr. Rubin.

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Thank you once again.

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