My mom had Rubella in 1967. She was pregnant with my youngest brother. He was born with heart and kidney problems. He was mostly blind and deaf. There were multiple other issues. He spent most of his 2 years of life in and out of hospitals. This was before there were vaccinations.

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I feel you, Kathleen. Similar story here. My mom contracted it while pregnant, from her sister (who was also pregnant). My aunt lost her baby. My brother was born with a host of issues, which have affected him his entire life. He is also deaf. Pre-vaccine for them. We are serious about our vaccines in our family.

Too many people have ridden the wave of that privilege.

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Had it in early 1960’s. Do not recommend🥵

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Thank you for the work you do. Would it be possible to shoe how rubella appears on darker skin,

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I had rubella when I was 27. (78 now). Should I get vaccinated?

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My mother had rubella when she was pregnant with me (mid-60's); I was born with a severe hearing loss and with an ITP blood disorder.

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I also have a similar question. (And of course, I should ask my personal doctor as well, but please forgive me for asking you.) I’m 71. I know that back in the day I had measles, chickenpox and mumps, but somehow I don’t think I ever had rubella. At least, that’s what my mother told me. And, although my children had the MMR vaccine, I’m pretty sure I never received it.

Given that rubella is (mostly?) eradicated in the United States, does it still make sense to be vaccinated? And are there elevated risks for someone in my age group getting the MMR vaccine now? I live in a large city, which is both good and bad, I guess.

Thank you.

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I know of someone affected by congenital rubella. His mother had it when pregnant with him. The impact was devastating, for him with a ripple affect on his whole family.

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My mom had rubella as a child, and she said she vaccinated me and my siblings because she remembered how painful it was. But she said it like an apology. She’s maga now. I thanked her sincerely for vaccinating me.

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Thank you for sharing your scientific knowledge.

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Thank you for this informative article. Note: As a Canadian, as far back as I can remember, I have always reacted to the term “the Americas”. America is the USA. The Americas does not include Canada. It is not a term used in Canada and especially now, given Trump’s behaviour, I really react to it. I would respectfully suggest that it is not a politically correct term.

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I had Rubella at age 18 months. Doctor lanced swollen lymph node at top of cheek above cheekbone and the scar is on my lower neck. I spent 2 weeks in oxygen tent in hospital.

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My son had rubella when he was 2 or 3 so like 2011 or 2012. He was lucky came out ok and no lasting issues

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